Introduction to Email Templates

Learn more about using email templates to market your services.

Engage with your clients and prospective clients through high-value, educational emails that gently remind them about your services.

Here are just some of the reasons you might want to employ Email Marketing at your law firm:

  • Build relationships: you can utilise Email Marketing to build better relationships with current and potential clients. Some email automation tools can help you do things like send emails with useful information, wish your client happy birthday or just ‘check-in’.
  • Build brand awareness: you can use email to keep your firm and services top of mind. For potential clients, this might mean reminding them that your firm is there for when they’re ready to engage your services. For past clients, this might mean periodically reminding them that they require your services again (i.e. to update a Will).
  • Promote legal content: email can be useful if you have your own blog that you use to keep clients up to date on recent changes in legislation or important updates on your firm.
  • Market your services: it’s important to remind your current clients and potential clients of the different services that you provide. They might have initially come to you to draft a Shareholders’ Agreement and don’t realise the other services you provide.
  • Nurture potential clients: sometimes potential clients need a little time and attention before they are ready to engage your services. Tools like lead magnets, which are free pieces of content that are given away in exchange for contact details, are a great way to warm up potential clients.

Get started with Email Templates

We've created these email templates to help kick off your journey:

Each email template revolves around a ‘lead magnet’ – a free item or service that you give away for the purpose of gathering contact details; e.g., white papers, ebooks, guides, newsletters, and free consultations – in this case, they are legal guides that you create through Smarter Drafter.

Find them under Law Firms and Law Firm Marketing on the Home page.

REMEMBER: these are just templates! Customise them to match your firm’s service offering, branding and tone of voice. These templates are also fairly long, so cut and paste content to make beautiful emails. Sometimes ‘short and sweet’ is better for getting your message across.