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Does your Will protect your loved ones
if their circumstances change? Let’s make sure.


Hi *name*,

I wanted to get in touch because more and more Australians should be considering upgrading to Wills with Testamentary Discretionary Trusts. These special legal structures allow you to minimise tax leakage on your estate when it passes to your children, as well as protect your loved ones from creditors and predators.

Discover how a Smarter Will can protect your legacy for your children by downloading our FREE guide:


The most common form of Will usually gifts assets to each named beneficiary directly. Unfortunately, this can put the assets at risk, particularly in instances where the recipient of those assets is in a marriage, de facto relationship or business that goes bad.


If a recipient of your estate is in a failing business or has made an investment that goes bad, assets held in their own name may become accessible to creditors to repay any debts incurred. This could mean that your hard-earned assets are put at risk.

Family Law Claims

Relationship breakdowns are never easy, but they can become particularly complicated where the division of assets is concerned. The Family Court of Australia has broad powers to divide your beneficiaries property between both spouses and require the payment of maintenance (ie, alimony).

Where your Will gifts assets to a beneficiary in their own name, those assets are likely to become subject to a Family Law claim.

Children With Disabilities

If you intend to gift assets to a recipient who benefits from Centrelink entitlements, you will need to be mindful that those entitlements are means-tested. This could mean that any change to your beneficiaries assets or income will disqualify them from receiving benefits under a Centrelink scheme.

Download the free guide for more details.

If any of the above scenarios are hitting home, that’s ok! You can protect your children and your hard-earned legacy with a special type of trust called a “testamentary discretionary trust” that can only be created under a Will.

We are equipped to provide this higher level of service, so give us call to get started on a Smarter Will today.

Already have a Will? Chances are you need an upgrade, so contact us now for a free review of your current Will.

IMPORTANT: smarter estate planning in NOT just for the wealthy. You’ve worked all your life to build what you have – don’t waste tens of thousands of dollars in unnecessary tax, and expose your hard-earned assets to risk, for the sake of a few hundred dollars now.

Download the free guide and contact us to discover how upgrading to a Smarter Will can add tens of thousands of dollars to the value of your estate.