How do I use these email templates?

Learn how to use email templates to market your services.


Using these templates is easy, but there’s a few skills that you need to master before you become a true email marketing wizard.

How to use email templates if:

If you’re experienced

If you already have infrastructure in place and experience with email marketing, great! Just use the content from these templates and customise it, then choose your audience and send the email. Don’t forget to follow up with your leads, and monitor and optimise your campaign to see what works and what doesn’t.

If you’re a beginner

If you’re just starting, don’t worry, there’s plenty of resources out there that will assist you. First, we recommend you have a look at the Beginners Guide to Email Marketing ebook in the Help Centre.

Here’s a couple more great resources (some are legal-specific, while others are generic) that you should read before starting:

Modern email marketing software is straight forward to use, and you are often guided along the way. If your software has a drag-and-drop email builder, just add text, button and image blocks and copy over content from the above email templates.

If you use MailChimp, you can download the HTML version of the email templates and import it in your account. However, this method is for advanced users who are familiar with HTML and CSS computer language, so we’d recommend sticking to drag-and-drop builders.